Caused By People-                                   

Inappropriate Warm up-

Physical Fitness-Being physically fit can help reduce the risk of injury because the body is better prepared for any high impact or strnous demands placed on it during physical activity.

Food-Eating food before sport is not generally advisable because it can cause a decline in performance.

Chewing Gum-Gum should not be chewed during physical activity because it could be swallowed and cause choking.

Jewellery-Jewellery should not be worn in sport because if you were a chain it could get wrapped round your kneck and seriously injur 

Alcohol- You should not have alcohol before a match as it can make you tired and have headaches this will make you not perform to your very best.

Technique and skill level- Participants with poor technique and a low skill level are more likely to suffer from injuries than participents with good technique and high skill level, particulary in higher risk sports such as climbing and skiing. Poor technique when taking part in sport such as weight lifting can aslo result in injuries like back injuries.

Behaviour of other participents- 

 Caused By equipment-

Inapporiate Clothing or Foot wear

Lack of equipment or protective clothing

Playing Surface

Faulty or damaged equipment-All equipment must be checked before it is used. If it is faulty or damaged i can cause serious injury to thr participent using it or any people nearby. For example playing with tennis racket that dosent have suitable grip can injure a players hand as the racket could slip ou of your hand.



Caused By Enviroment-

Cold Wheather

Rain: Rain Can lead to flooding and muddy pitches, which increase the risk of slipping and therefore the risk of injury.

Hot wheather


Skiing is one sport were there are alot of hazards and risks the 3 mains ones are:

Skill Level- This can cause a massive accident as people with not good skill level can go into some one who is going really fast this will either really hurt people or cause death. This can be caused if you have no lessons so if you go on the slope and you go from the top it will really hurt someone if you go into them. Also if you go down the slpoe with no training you will loose control.

Also there is other risks in the sport skiing as if someone s new to the sport and they get the wrong equipment they could get the wrong skies so that if you go down you could end up falling over and get badly injured. To prevent this you ask an instructor what equipment would be better for you this would mean you will not get hurt of injured during your skiing lesson.

Finally the weather conditions can be a big factor in your skiing lesson. If it is foggy and you go off course then you could end up being stranded in the middle of no where or go into a tree and this could really be serious as know one will be there watching you so you will have know one to help you. Also if you fall and it is icy if you bang your head it could knock you unconscious or you could even die from it.

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